Monday, May 12, 2014

Public Service Announcements & Honors Law, Lindsey Mangurten, Lincoln Park High School

For the next two weeks I will be working with several classes on Public Services Announcements using imovie with the ipads. The students are all Juniors and Seniors in Honors Law.

Week 1
The first week I worked with three classes for four days. Overall the students enjoyed the assignment and working on the ipads. We did not run into any glitches using imovie but there were some requests for improvements.

iMovie on the ipad is different than iMovie on a Mac. With the ipad there was no option to add a title slide or concluding slide. The students troubleshooted the situation themselves and came up with two solutions. Solution one, take a photo of the table to get a black screen, after they added the picture slide into the video they added text over the slide. Solution 2, create a title slide in google presentation or on a different computer and e-mail the photo to themselves. One of the groups found that it worked best when the image slide was created on a mac computer vs a pc.

When the students finished their movies we were able to email them directly from the ipad email account to the teachers email account. The first time we sent the movie it took 8 minutes to load. Today it loaded and sent in 10 seconds. Prepare for a long delay in case.

Week 2
Today I worked with four classes on introducing the ipads and imovie. One of the teachers had a connector for the ipad and the projector which allowed me to demonstrate the steps of emailing and downloading the videos to the ipad. It was very helpful being able to project the ipad and demonstrate vs. telling the students or showing each group individually. Half of the students are working on recording and the other half are uploading their videos onto the ipads.

The students have been in the Library for a week filming, editing and creating their movies. Most students have finished and began sharing the files via google drive or e-mailing the mp4 clip to their teachers accounts. Today one student emailed a music clip to the ipad email and was able to download the song directly to imovie and import it into the film. I was unaware how to do it and the student figured it out and then taught me!!! ( My students are geniuses).

All in all I feel the project was a success and the students had fun writing their scripts, filming the movies as well as editing.

Week 3
The students have begun filming. The attached photo is of one group beginning to film and the director of the group telling each member where to stand.

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