Friday, April 4, 2014

Biographies Come Alive with ChatterPix App, by Katherine Hlousek, Emiliano Zapata Academy Librarian

My students and I are absolutely ecstatic to have iPads in the library! With this additional technology, students are taking their research, hands-on learning, and technology skills further.

During the month of March, sixth grade students researched influential and accomplished women as a celebration of Women’s History Month. Students used Encyclopedia Britannica and Student Resources in Context databases and additional credible sources to answer specific research questions on a research planning worksheet. Once students painted a complete picture of the individual’s life, they were ready to use the (free) ChatterPix app.

Earlier this year I discovered ChatterPix, a free app from Duck Duck Moose. From the app store: ChatterPix can make anything talk - pets, friends, doodles, and more! Simply take any photo, draw a line to make a mouth, and record your voice. Then share your Pix with friends and family as silly greetings, playful messages, or creative cards. And best of all, it’s FREE!

The Women’s History Month research project was the perfect opportunity to try the ChatterPix app and to take students’ learning and product creation beyond a Google Drive Document or Presentation.

Students first conducted a Google image search of their individual and then saved the image to the iPad’s camera roll.  Next, students opened the ChatterPix (free) app and selected the image of the individual they saved to the camera roll. Then students drew a line across the mouth of the image.  Now students were ready to record; first students introduced the individual, then read a quote, and lastly provided an explanation or interpretation of the quote.  Finally, students added their name to the project and saved the finished ChatterPix to the iPad camera roll in addition to sending a copy to me via email.  Students got a kick out of viewing the ChatterPix projects!

Throughout this specific project, it has been amazing to watch students jump at the opportunity to be an “iPad leader” and assist fellow classmates with the iPads.  My students and I are looking forward to our next project with the iPads!  
ChatterPix App Suggestions:
Check your settings and try out on student iPads before use.  When trying out ChatterPix with a group of early finishers, I realized the restrictions I initially set up limited the access to the microphone / camera and camera roll.  A quick change of restrictions and we were up and running again!

When using images of people, it works best if the person’s mouth is closed and teeth are not showing if smiling.  Carefully draw a line on the mouth.  Some students initially drew a large line across the individual’s face and mouth, thus creating a rather ridiculous effect with the app.      

Additional Information:
ChatterPix allows the user to add props or effects to the image.  For the purpose of this project, students did not add these additional elements, but students did add their name to their final product to assist me when grading.

From the Duck Duck Moose website: ChatterPix allows sharing via email, Facebook, and YouTube and is designed for adults. If you’d like to restrict these options, please download “ChatterPix Kids” – designed for kids with no sharing features (only saves to the camera roll).

1 comment:

  1. app utvikling

    I januar 2012 startet jeg Appsonite AS og senere på året sa jeg opp min faste jobb. Jeg har nå laget rundt 50-60 apper. 30 av disse er i egen portefølje. Jeg har hatt flere topp 10 apper i Norge, og har siden starten lært uhorvelig mye om hva som fungerer og hva som ikke fungerer i app store.

    Jeg har nå et team på 3-4 personer som hjelper meg å designe og utvikle apper. Disse har jobbet med meg nesten fra starten. Vi har nå godt innarbeidede rutiner og vet hva som fungerer.

    Mange ganger har jeg hørt folk si at alle apper er jo laget. Er det behov for flere? Det var de samme som sa at alt var gjort på internett i 2003, så kom Facebook, Youtube..etc. Vi er nok enda bare i starten på mobil applikasjoner og bruken av dem.

    Ønsker du å jobbe med et lite, men eksklusivt app firma, ta kontakt med oss. Hvis du ønsker å lage det beste, og få mest ut av ideen din, så må man tenke gjennom prosjektet nøye og planlegge godt. Vi må skjønne nøyaktig hva du ønsker, og så lager vi et utkast til en nydelig mobil applikasjon. Vi gir oss ikke før du er 100% fornøyd. Vi jobber helst med seriøse bedrifter og personer som setter krav til sitt produkt og ønsker å lage det beste. Website:
